Thursday, June 23, 2005

This story brought to you by Glaucos, who I met through a neo-hellenic group.

Well, where can i start to explain. Many years ago, when i was about 17 or 18, I converted to Islam and underwent what I now call a "muslim re-education". After some months of learning the traditions and ways of the Islamic community, I was refered during the Bosnia crisis to an aid organisation running aid to the poor bosnian muslims, where I discovered a whole new perspective on life. I didn't get to Bosnia because a few things happened to me that made me reconsider a few things about humanity, christianity and islam. (And the poor ordinary folk caught up as passive members of their captive audience who were slowly dragged in exodus from slaughter zone to slaughter zone....) So what do you think made me come away from it all? Because I saw through some boxes and learnt what "friends" wanted to do with the "aid"? As we are online, there's no way I can post about what I found, and what plans were being made for "Jihad" and why they were making them. The core of their reason was "They kill us whenever they find us. We should not send food and clothes, we should send ammo. We want our women to shoot the enemy when they are resisting rape and murder, not be well fed and wearing nice clothes waiting for them!" And on the other foot, a boot equally as hard and steely. There is no mercy and no hesitation in the slaughter. I'm not condoning anything. I will exhort all fellows at all times to be ready for these people. The muslims got their asses kicked in Bosnia because they trusted their chrisitian neighbours.

So in view of what I experienced, coming into contact with a terrorist cell and listening to their reasoning, their scope and planning for future destructions within the UK, I left these people to their own nutty designs. On the one hand there were christians commiting mass slaughter (again) for whatever reason and muslims trying to slaughter as recompense for the pleasure of Allah. Both were as bad as the other, as willy nilly machine gun fire at random targets was not what I'd enlisted to do, it was to defend a pacifist driver from assault on a misson to take clothes and food aid. What this taught me, especially as I was (it was told me) going to be used to undermine and cause havoc amongst my own people in my own nation, is that there was no actual cause, it was professional terror and the guys were just troublemakers who'd found a temporary cause to get some glory and some young gullible members.

And there are so many of these lunatics!

So please don't call me the darkest and most hateful, or crazy. I just want you to realise that in your own city, even your own district, there are fundamentalists who want to nail you up and burn you alive, that is, after torturing you and screwing you to unconsciousness. Sorry if I've offended anyone with some dark truths. Though I'm sure that its more than just excrement. And I got to say it after what I view another "internet assualt" by someone who writes faster that they think, whenever I hear what others call a "fluffy bunny" warbling about peace and forgiveness, I kind of hear it differently ever since I read Tolkeins LOTR and examined Grimer Wormtounges assistance to the King. Essentially, Grimer would have had the king "on all fours like a beast", and that "the king is tired by the constant talk of warmongering". Could we just compare it with the words by Aragon, "War is upon you, wether you like it or not". That really does "take the worm".

"Fluffy Bunnisms" is a misnomer. Really. Its Grimerism in its most deceitful, reality suspending form. I'd appreciate it if you'd blog this message so that your readers can understand fully my sentiment.

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