Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Eulogy for Scott "Instant Death" Byrne

My ex-husband died from heart failure at the age of 44. He was extremely bright and charming, with a sense of wit and irony that shone through his music, even his electronic music. I got my musical sense of humor from him. He had the most maniacal laugh--it was like something out of an evil cartoon character.
We would drink and do acid and extasy and coke together... marathon sex and drug sessions... talk about synchronicity and Star Trek and music. I used to see him play drums several times a week--and even if I didn't know where he was playing, I could tell walk down the street and tell which bar he was playing at by the way he used his cymbals.
I liked that he played with several different bands: Instant Death, Barbecue Bob & the Spare Ribs, Simon & the Bar Sinisters, Fisherman's Stew, George Jr, and more I can't remember.
He was a great cook, and would make us rice and beans with fancy wine sauces.
Things went bad, of course, or else he wouldn't have become an "ex" husband. But I think we sometimes forget, in this New Age, "healthy" culture, that the point of people is not how nicey-nice they are, but how intense they are and how much they give to everyone around them. Scott always gave everyone a laugh, a smile, a drink, a song, a beat. He gave a lot. Thank you, Scott.

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