Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My Heroes

I know a lot of people think that this blog is me, but that's just like saying a writer's magazine articles are him. To bring us back to reality, here is a list of my heroes. I hope you enjoy.
This is by chronological order. I don't think that anyone has been completely de-heroed, just gained or lost importance over time.

1. My dad.
2.Anyone who had a painting at MOMA
3.Laura Ingalls Wilder (the writer, not the TV character
4.The financial analyst on WBZ news around 1981. (He was just so smart!)
Constantin Brancusi

David Alfaro Siqueiros

7. John Lennon

7.Dennis O'Neil, because he took Batman who sold Wonderbread and made him an instrument of vengeance.

8. Alfred North Whitehead, educator

9.  Edward Bellamy, utopian

Len Kaminski--brilliant comic book writer with the wrong dream. Also boyfriend. Can you smell trouble?

11. Bill Gates, Steve Case, Steve Jobs, esp. Jobs.

12. John Paul Jones and John Bonham (rhythm section--look it up, if you have to)

 Dave Dreiwitz. Fab bass player--I kissed his hands like he was the pope once.

14. William Goldman, screenwriter

Those Braun Bros.(foreground) of the Negatones: Brilliant Composers.
16.Julia Cameron
17.Ben Franklin
18. Urban pioneers
19. Stan Schmidt, editor of Analog

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