Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Suki plays by herself

In my effort to enjoy the weekend (seeing as my kid and boyfriend were out of town) I found myself staring at a gaggle of twenty-somethings at the Side Street Salloon. It was a cluster of about three males telling terrible jokes around every female who was primping her hair.

I left the bar, thinking, well, might as well go home. And then I realized the boat was right there. I hopped on the 10pm boat to the city, and over to one of my favorite bars. Yes, by myself. Going by yourself is great, because you can leave whenever you want. And if you act crazy, no one who knows your social circle can report it.

The wonderful decor at the bar extends even to the ladies room, where a sign by the toilet begins "Not even Noah's Ark will save you from the flood that will occur if you..."

I saw my first speed wave band there. Speed wave? Well, remember New Wave? with drum machines and synthesizers? But this was played ten times faster, with a rawkin' drummer, who played drums along with the drum machine and a bass player who jumped around alternating between bass and the synth. FAN-TASTIC. Yes, I bought a t-shirt and hat. They had ray guns on them. How could I be working for 23rd Mandalation and not buy them?

I also danced my ass off to The Rants who had both a wicked sense of humor and a wicked groove. They played every version of "GLORIA". It lasted 15 minutes, until the guitarist was sick of it, and just leaned his guitar against his speaker for feed back, and the bass player and I both collapsed on the floor, begging the singer to stop.

Yes, I got home at 3:30. What a great time.


  1. Cool. Sounds like you got to be 21 again.

    Did every version of "Gloria" include the one by Laura Brannigan?

  2. Actually, I have 14 years experience at being 21. I'm pretty good at it by now.

    No, they didn't do the "Don't you think it's borin' when everybody wants you, everyone is callin'" one.

    I can't believe I still remember the lyrics.

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  4. Thanks. The art director at work needed someone to test her lighting, and I happened to be in the same room. Got some other interesting pics out of it too.
