Monday, June 27, 2005

How To Keep Attention Focused on You While Online

There are so many people in chat rooms and online groups these days! They are so smart and interesting, how in the world will you be able to keep attention focussed on yourself?

One great way to keep attention focussed on yourself is to have an aggressively sexy nick (like h*t p*ssy) and then say that you will not do any personal messaging. (Thanks for bringing this up, Sugs!) This nick will drag the attention of many poor horny bastards to you, start flirty little fights, and keep as much attention on you as possible. Plus, you keep your good girl image by rejecting pm's. Unfortunately, smart ones will know that talkers aren't f*ckers, and may avoid you.

Another good way to keep the attention on yourself is to say something contrary in the group. Be sure to be huffy and self-righteous, and never admit you are wrong. This will flare anger in the group, and maybe some divisiveness too. Unlike the first one, this may get the attention of some smart people in the group/room, and they might type to you like mad. After everyone is tired of typing about this, go around saying you are sorry, but still not admitting you are wrong, and start "explaining".

Get very, very emotional about an offhand comment. Make sure no one could possibly understand how you feel. Make sure everyone feels bad, and says that they're sorry. And don't let that be good enough for you, until everyone is sick of talking about it. Then tell everyone that it's okay, and send out another round of posts telling them it's ok, to get everyone to pay attention to you once more.

I am sure there are many other ways to keep everyone's attention on you in your chatroom/online group. If you have any other favorites (or classics), send them as comments or if they are too long, by email, ( I will post them and give you credit.