Friday, April 7, 2006

Masked Sex--A Dangerous Game?

One of the things I have not done yet is have sex in a domino mask with a masked partner. The reason I am thinking about domino masks is that they de-individuate each person, rather than, say, a mask of something, which people once wore to channel the spirit of that being (joy, sickness, sorrow, the spirit of the oxen, whatever)into themselves.

In the link above, they note that de-individuation through masks invites baser behavior (like taking more candy) and as a sexual animist (I got in trouble with my boyfriend for biting the other day) I wonder what my baser behavior would be. I wonder what my lover's would be. I wonder what we would become together.

I suppose some mild psycho-active drugging would probably be needed for full effect (light drinking, very mild drugs) and some extra time and mirrors to get used to seeing our new non-identities.

If anyone's tried this--or other experiences with masks, please comment or write to me.


  1. I haven't tried it, actually. But it sounds like fun.

    I think of the masks people wear in New Orleans.

    But I also think of cybercommunications (like this) as a mask as well. Talk about baser behavior: could you imagine a troll in meatspace? I can, but I guarantee he wouldn't last long.

  2. I haven't tried masks but would like to.
