Saturday, February 18, 2006

Parenthood Pt. 1

Some men in their 30's have asked me about parenthood. They seem to think I'm a good person to ask, not only because I'm in my 30's and still love to go out and party, but also because I'm not one of those cutsie moms, who lives for that parental role.

First of all, let me say that I have never heard any man or woman over the age of 25, who was even meagerly established their careers, say that having a kid or two ruined their lives. It's a completely different life from being able to come and go as you please, yes. But it's not painful or bad or terrible (except for that giving birth part). In fact, if you can stand a little cheesy visual here, having a kid makes you feel like there's a new light on in your heart, and you never want it to go out.

Also, knowing that your kid is looking up to you, you may find the strength to do more for your career, be a better person all around, become grounded in a meaningful community, and grow as a person in general. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmmmm....

    "Dear Suki..."

    Think on it!!! You're very own advice column on parenting... I'd visit!

    btw... i'm sorry i havent posted much in the 23 M site. I will pick up speed eventually. Research is eating me alive at the moment... oh, AND the job search.
