Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Ethnic Greek Religion--Back and Badder than Ever.

Generally, I have said I am a spiritual seeker--raised in an agnostic home. Right now my mom would say, "We took you to Unitarian Church!" Yeah, it was a great leftist discussion group, but that's about it.

To make a long story short, when I was nine, I tried to find something that was believable. I read Genesis, and it was clear to me that it was a story about two naked kids who wandered into some hunter/gatherer tribe's old hunting camp. When the hunters came back, they saw these naked kids, and said, "Get the hell out, and put some damn clothes on! Geez!" And after that, it was just war propaganda. To make a long story short, I read a bunch of books of different religions. One of them was a book about Greek myths, and it was like nothing else I had ever read--it was so weird I thought it must have some kind of primordial truth to it.

From then on, I worshipped Athena and Aphrodite, until my teens when I got into wicca (teens love magick!) and then finally just learned about different religions from around the world. I still don't know much about Indian--all those arms kind of freak me out.

I recently met a Greek woman who is a Neo-Hellenic, or worships the 12 gods, or is of the Ethnic Greek religion. And I decided to come home to that, and find some soul there. It turns out that Greece does not have religious freedom, and about 300,000 people are fighting to just express their beliefs.


  1. Ahhh, the greeks. I was married to a greek in the orthodox church, it's not very suprising that they persecute people who are not orthodox. A very arrogant people to say the least!

  2. not all Hellenes are arrogant..only the orthodox ;)

    they have one way mind..

  3. I think I started the Quran when I was a child, and found it a little wordy. I should read it just for my own knowledge.

    On a defensive note:
    A lot of people think that just because I'm pantheist that I'm "lost". I'm not lost. I'm pantheist.

    Pantheists have more fun. :)

  4. Oh, so you're a blonde pantheist

  5. Yep, a blonde pantheist. I read the Bible, part of the translated Torah (yeah,I know I wasn't supposed to read that but my parents had a lot of wacky shit around the house), and started the Quran when I was nine, before deciding on the Ethnic Hellenic tradition. What were you reading when you were nine? I bet you couldn't wrap your mind around the letters to Playboy.

  6. Blondes have more fun.....pantheists have more fun......really bad puns......obviously, I couldn't get past the pictures in playboy when I was 9. What can I say? Boys are dumb:)
