Monday, August 7, 2006

Good Girl Sex vs. What I Like

Some people have asked me what good girl sex is.
Simply put, it's the sex your parents would want you to have:

no clothes, including "uniforms" (see below)
no handcuffs or rope
no vibrators or other machinery
no spanking or other implements of pain
no fantasy games
no pornography
in a bed
between 2 people who know and love each other
and lasts a half hour, including making out, etc.

I think I was bored of good girl sex around age 16. My boyfriend did me naked in the missionary position every day for a month. All I thought to myself, is this it? Is this what everyone's excited about?

For me, sex is also an art--and by that I also mean not just high quality in technique, but also a means of expression. So, I not only enjoy clothes, hand cuffs, games, public sex (yes, and at times with people I don't know) and porno (though I have, sworn off porno for months at a time) I also need some of these accessories to feel like I'm really express myself fully in this art form. Which isn't exactly "bad girl" sex-- a lot of religious people wouldn't like it, and certainly not what my parents would want for me.

But it's what makes me feel fulfilled as a person, so I try not to let other people's opinions bother me.


  1. I remember my parents telling me, "You don't know what good clean fun is."

    I remember thinking, "You're right. I don't know what good it is."

  2. ...and "I" remember my mom telling me what not to do, shutting her door not hard enough, then me having to sadly shut it HARDER to block out all the damn noise.

    THIS little lesson taught me that she's not a Mother for NOTHING!


  3. Thing of it is... my mom raised me, when I was little, to be a hippie like she was--free love and all that. But when she suddenly realized that I was actually old enough to give and get free love, she turned all Nancy Reagan on me.

    But I originally wrote about good gal sex on myspace as a symptom of how tired I was. I think sometimes when we feel very tired, we try to spend less energy, and that's not necessarily what will wake us up--or make us feel better. Sometimes when we're tired, we have to spend more energy on whatever makes us happy--and that will wake up or feel better.

  4. Maybe I should have read THIS before responding to your bulletin!! LOL. This puts a whole new schpin on things.

    Muah, with tongue.

    Kate/Kathryn (from MySpace)
