Thursday, November 10, 2005

The New Misogyny

So, I'm reading the Caleb Carr book, Killing Time, and while it is interesting--about conspiracy theory from the conspirator's point-of-view--it has one of the worst-written women in history, outside of a comic book.

Literally, the woman acts like a guy with tits and ass. Now, she is supposed to be emotionally disturbed from being used as a sextoy as a prepubescent, but even those chics act in certain ways. They've been documented extensively.

This book is a little dry emotionally, anyway, but still...

The new misogyny shows women in all these action roles: hitting, shooting, and fucking like men. Gee, isn't this great? Women can do anything men can do!

It's not great. Women can do anything men can do, physically, but there is never a ponderance of the mystery that is woman--the moods, the tenderness, the tolerance, the fragility in the strength. It seems like the hip thing to do is forget about it or explain it all away psychologically, and that is a denial of woman most chilling.


  1. This is generally men doing this crap writing, isn't it? We seem to imagine others as just like us, but different.

  2. I think it is men doing this kind of writing. But I also think that we want our fantasy men/women to be more like us. For instance: women want men to "understand" them in the same gestalt way that we understand them. (Never happen. Mention it to a man and he will just laugh.)
    I think political correctness of late, although positive in finding the aspects of self that bind everyone, also ignores the important differences that make everyone interesting and colorful.
    I can't stand it when they write women this way: it's straight out of Japanese manga--and if you want to talk about a culture of misogyny, we can start right there.--suki

  3. Interesting points. I am trying to think about concrete examples of this, 'cause I think you are onto something, and then only thing I can think of is 'Alias.' Which I never understood. Why do dudes want to see a girl going around beating the shit out of dudes? All right, maybe I'm starting to get it.

  4. You might think Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but her character is drawn a little better. But if you think about action flicks, you will probably come up with more.

    "Killing Time" is particularly bad, because the only time you see the token female's emotional state, she's acting like a child, and knows it.
